Electrical Inspectors Association of Alberta

Contributing to a safe electrical environment in Alberta

EIAA Lightning Protection Seminar 2022

From September 30, 2022 00:08 until October 01, 2022 00:12
Hits: 1518

EIAA Lightning Protection Seminar for Electrical SCOs 2022


The EIAA is offering virtually a ½ day seminar on lightning protection systems for Electrical SCO’s. Participants have the choice of participating on Friday September 30th, 2022 or Saturday October 1st, 2022.


Sessions both Friday and Saturday will be 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Our Presenter will be: Simon C. Larter with Dobbyn Lightning Protection.


To register please click the "Register" button above.

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Mission Statement

The Electrical Inspectors Association of Alberta will promote the uniform understanding and application of the Rules and Regulations adopted under the Safety Codes Act. This shall be done without bias and with fairness. We will assist in the formulation of standards, technical, professional knowledge and procedures upon well-grounded information, in achieving safe electrical installations, in the interest of safety, to life and property.